EstesCloud Security

If you are seeing this page, chances are you’ve chosen to subscribe to EstesCloud Security, which consists of several smaller packages, all designed to make your business PC secure for the business world. We appreciate your business and stand by to make your digital life simpler AND more secure.

Step 1: Start the installation with the following steps:

  1. Download our “ECSecurityInstaller.exe
  2. Locate the download, right click and choose “Run as Administrator”
  3. Enter the EC Security Code provided
  4. The installation will start and provide additional feedback along the way.
  5. Continue reading this page for what you can expect.

Step 2: EstesCloud Security Components install

EstesCloud LifeSaver / HelpDesk

EstesCloud Web Filter

EstesCloud SentinelOne

EstesCloud ThreatLocker

EstesCloud Backup / Datto Cloud Continuity

EstesCloud PC Management – SolarWinds RMM

The first component to install is our SolarWinds RMM agent. This has several subcomponents that will install shortly thereafter:

  • EstesCloud LifeSaver icon – this tray icon can be used to create tickets and provides easy access to core EstesGroup websites.
  • EstesCloud Web Filtering – The default web filter ensures that no known malware, phishing and legally questionable websites are visiting on this computer. This filter is adjustable, so if you find a site is being blocked that shouldn’t, just open a ticket!
  • EstesCloud Patch Management – We’ll ensure that not only are the Microsoft Windows updates applied, but also most 3rd party applications (most web browsers, Adobe, Java, WinZip, etc.) Note there is no tray icon for this component.

EstesCloud SentinelOne Control

This component will watch all activity on your computer for malicious behavior, and quarantine it if necessary. The tray icon appears as after

When opened, you’ll see the status of SentinelOne

EstesCloud ThreatLocker

This component will watch all applications to ensure they are approved to run. When we install this, we’ll set your computer to “Learn” mode, watching your computer for a week to learn all the applications that you normally use. During this week, please the opportunity to start those programs, even if for just a moment, to include them in the learning process. After the week is up, we’ll put the computer in “Protect” mode, in which any unapproved application will be denied. If you need to use that application, click the “Request Approval” button and we’ll confirm and whitelist it as quickly as possible.

PC Cloud Backup

This component will start backing up your entire computer to a 1TB encrypted cloud storage every two hours. Should your PC go offline, or change networks, the backup will pause until a steady connection is established.

Should you need to restore anything/everything, just open a ticket and we’ll help you out!

Step 3 – Reboot

You’ll be asked to reboot your PC. The next time it boots up, it will take a little longer than usual as the new components get comfortable in your PC.


Don’t hesitate to reach out and ask us – 888-300-2340 x2, or send an email to